September 2015
Left to right: Chris Blackstone, Adam Wallace, Andrew Dixon, Tian (Chris) Xue, Andrei Sanov
Left to right: Lori Culberson, Adam Wallace, Dmitry Khuseynov, Andrei Sanov, Andrew Dixon, Chris Blackstone
April 2012
Left to right: Andrei Sanov, Andrew Dixon, Dan Dokuchitz,
Dmitry Khuseynov, Lori Culberson, and Chris Blackstone
June 2011
Left to right: Matthew Fontana, Emily
Grumbling, Andrei Sanov,
Lori Culberson, Dmitry Khuseynov, and Chris Blackstone
April 2009
Left to right: Daniel Goebbert, Kostya
Pichiguin, Emily Grumbling
Lori Culberson, Dmitry Khuseynov, and Andrei Sanov
July 2005
Left to right: Ahu Akin, Dominique
Villela, Kostya Pichugin, Emily Grumbling
Terefe Habteyes, Laura Schirra, Andrei Sanov, and Luis
April 2005
Left to right: Terefe Habteyes, Andrei
Sanov, Kostya Pichiguin, Richard Mabbs
Emily Grumbling, Eric Surber, Dominique Villela, and Luis